Improve your riding standards, knowledge & skills with RoSPA Advanced Drivers & Riders
RoSPA - providing free advanced rider training
If you have an advanced motorcycle test planned with RoSPA, SkilledBiker can work with you over a single day to ensure your riding is of a standard that exudes confidence and from an examiner’s perspective, shows that you are test-ready. We retain an impartial and independent position on your RoSPA test and we only deliver these sessions to riders we are not due to personally examine, but with RoSPA examiners on the SkilledBiker team, we can always accommodate requests for this valuable pre-test coaching. [get in touch]
About RoSPA
RoSPA advanced motorcycle training is open to any rider holding a full/valid motorcycle licence. RoSPA has a network of local groups around the UK who offer advanced motorcycle training, in preparation for the RoSPA Advanced Riding test. Advanced motorcycle training is delivered by RoSPA volunteer riders who have themselves already passed the advanced test to a high standard. RoSPA Advanced Riders are required to retake this test every three years, thus ensuring that a high standard is maintained.
RoSPA advanced motorcycle training is based on the ‘system of motorcycle control’ as covered in Motorcycle Roadcraft, the Police Riders Handbook. Whilst training can be delivered via an intensive four day course, it is usually delivered over a period of months during a riders spare time. In either case, the goal is to pass the RoSPA Advanced Test and to achieve advanced motorcycle status. Such riders are generally less likely to be involved in a road traffic accident, as they will be better at anticipating, more observant and with advanced riding skills. RoSPA advanced riders learn a systematic approach of defensive riding, hazard management and risk reduction.