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SkilledBiker T&C's Please read the following important terms and conditions

About these terms and conditions

 ‘Our’ terms and conditions advise ‘you’ about SkilledBiker, ‘your’ SkilledBiker booking, ‘your responsibilities, ‘our’ responsibilities, and the terms upon which ‘you’ may book and attend ‘your’ SkilledBiker training or tour; and the terms upon which ‘you’ may make use of ‘our’ website (, hereafter referred to as the ‘site’ – whether as a website guest or a user with ‘site’ secure access permissions.

Those who book ‘our’ training or tours and/or use ‘our’ site shall within these terms and conditions, and hereafter be referred to as ‘you’ and/or ‘your’.

Within ‘our’ terms and conditions, the word ‘site’ shall extend to ‘our’ booking, payment, email and video platforms, ‘our’ CRM, content on ‘our’ social media and emails.

 ‘You’ should read ‘our’ terms and conditions carefully before ‘you’ start to use ‘our’ ‘site’ or make a booking. By using the ‘site’, ‘you’ indicate that ‘you’ accept ‘our’ terms and conditions and agree to abide by them.

 ‘You’ should not book ‘our’ training or tours on behalf of another person unless specifically agreed by ‘us’ in any promotional event/gift card provision

About SkilledBiker

SkilledBiker is advanced motorcycle coaching on UK roads along with organised tours across the UK and Continental Europe.

‘We’ will abide by local and when abroad, international road traffic laws at all times and ‘you’ will be expected to do the same.

‘We’ retain the right to decide upon the local need for SkilledBiker delivery and, no guarantee is given or implied around delivery, or continuance of delivery, in any given area.

‘We’ retain the right to set a minimum level of attendance and may cancel any training/tour where minimum numbers are not reached.

‘Our’ infrastructure and delivery model may vary dependent upon local requirements, arrangements, and resources. ‘We’ reserve the right to make alterations as necessary and without notice. Prior to booking training in any area, ‘you’ should contact ‘us’ to ensure that the delivery model and infrastructure meets with ‘your’ requirements.

‘Our’ training and tours are designed to engage with motorcyclists to evidence the benefits of accredited/advanced post-test motorcycle training, identify the need for such training for individual riders and provide a referral route to local providers (including ‘us’) of accredited/advanced post-test training.

‘Our’ 1:1 and group coaching sessions will normally last a minimum of 7 hours (including breaks).  

‘Our’ training includes the following elements:

  1. Theory input– online video meeting, to include input on advanced riding techniques and how ‘you’ assess ‘your’ current riding ability and ‘your’ agreed development needs.
  2. Observed ride– maximum ratio of two riders per SkilledBiker coach, to include ongoing roadside briefing and debriefing.
  3. Feedback – assessment of ‘your’ riding, delivered verbally and/or in written form via email if specifically requested by ‘you’
  4. Signposting – based on ‘our’ observations and assessment of ‘your’ riding, ‘we’ will make recommendations regarding your ongoing skills, safety and rider development.  

‘Our’ responsibilities

The ‘site’ has been compiled in good faith from sources ‘we’ believe to be reliable, current, and trustworthy. That said, material on the ‘site’ may be out of date at any given time and ‘we’ are under no obligation to update such material, although ‘our’ aim is to update the ‘site’ regularly.

‘We’ accept no responsibility or liability for any actions, negligence, consequences of any error or omission, any injury, loss, or damage suffered by ‘you’ or other users of any of the information published in any part of ‘our’ ‘site’ or resulting from ‘your’ participation in any aspect of ‘our’ training or ‘our’ tours.

In relation to ‘our’ ‘site’, ‘you’ may store or print copies or extracts from its pages for your personal and non-commercial use only, always referencing the source of such information. ‘You’ are not permitted to copy, download, store (in any medium), transmit, show, or play in public, adapt, or change in any way the content of ‘our’ ‘site’ pages, content, videos and/or eLearning for any other purpose whatsoever without ‘our’ prior written permission in a durable medium (e-mail or written).

‘Our’ ‘site’ information and/or content alone does not form any basis of a contract with ‘you’ or users of ‘our’ ‘site’.

Links from ‘our’ ‘site’ are for information only. ‘We’ cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or content of pages on websites to which links have been made from ‘our’ ‘site’ and over whose moderation or onward links ‘we’ have no control. In the absence of confirmation to the contrary, ‘we’ do not endorse any views expressed, products and/or services offered on other websites.

‘We’ reserve the right to suspend the operation of ‘our’ ‘site’ for maintenance or upgrade work from time to time and as necessary. ‘We’ cannot guarantee that ‘your’ access to, and use of the ‘site’ will be uninterrupted or error free. ‘We’ reserve the right to indefinitely terminate ‘site’ access and ‘your’ access to ‘our’ ‘site’ should circumstances dictate.

Liability and equipment

‘We’ do not hire out or supply motorcycles for participation in ‘our’ training or ‘our’ tours. ‘You’ will need legitimate access to a road legal, roadworthy motorcycle to participate in ‘our’ training and ‘our’ tours.

‘We’ do not hire out or arrange supply of motorcycle safety equipment or personal protective equipment (PPE) for participation in ‘our’ training or ‘our’ tours.

‘We’ do not arrange or provide vehicle breakdown cover on behalf of ‘you’ for participation in ‘our’ training or ‘our’ tours. Such cover is ‘your’ responsibility to have in-place but is not a pre-requisite for ‘you’ to have in order to participate in ‘our’ training or ‘our’ tours.

One of ‘our’ core principles is to protect life and ‘we’ reserve the right to refuse provision of ‘your’ training if there is concern for ‘your’ safety, ‘our’ safety, or the safety of others, based upon ‘your’ levels of safety, protective equipment and/or attitude.

As a minimum guide whilst riding, ‘you’ must wear a helmet that meets the minimum UK legal standard.

‘We’ also recommend that ‘you’ wear motorcycle trousers, jacket, footwear (that protects the ankle) and gloves – all appropriate to the prevailing weather conditions on the day of ‘your’ training.

Ideally, ‘you’ will wear clothing/equipment that is specifically designed for motorcycle use – usually armoured leather, textile, or an appropriate alternative.

‘We’ do not provide motor insurance, employer liability or other insurance cover.

‘We’ recommend ‘you’ advise your motor insurer of ‘your’ intention to engage in ‘our’ training or ‘our’ tour.

‘Your’ responsibilities

If ‘you’ book ‘our’ training or ‘our’ tour, it is ‘your’ responsibility to attend at the arranged location and time, in a fit condition to participate.

If you cannot attend, ‘you’ should advise ‘us’ quoting your contact details, training/tour date as provided to ‘you’ at the time of booking.

If ‘you’ book ‘our’ training or ‘our’ tour, it is ‘your’ responsibility to ensure that ‘you’ have an appropriate and valid motorcycle licence allowing ‘you’ to ride on the road.

If ‘you’ book ‘our’ training or ‘our’ tour, it is ‘your’ responsibility to ensure that you attend on a fully road legal, mechanically sound, taxed, insured motorcycle, with sufficient fuel to complete ‘’your’ training or ‘your’ tour.

For clarity – during ‘our’ training and ‘our’ tours ‘you’ will be required to observe the provisions of the Road Traffic Act and Highway Code. Safety is paramount.

‘You’ are expected to comply with ‘our’ safety briefings, reasonable instructions and any guidance given by ‘us’.

‘You’ are expected to treat other attendees, and ‘us’ with respect at all times.

‘We’ reserve the right to refuse to provide ‘you’ with training or a tour or any part thereof or to cancel any training or tour ‘you’ have booked, without liability, if ‘you’ fail to meet the requirements outlined within ‘our’ terms and conditions, in ‘our’ booking process or in the interests of safety at any time.

‘We’ will provide ‘you’ with an assessment of ‘your’ riding.

It is ‘your’ responsibility to take ‘your’ assessment of ‘your’ riding to an accredited post-test (advanced) training provider after ‘your’ training.

‘Our’ approved accredited post-test (advanced) training providers are:

  • The Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM RoadSmart),
  • Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA),
  • British Motorcyclists Federation (BMF) – Blue Riband, and
  • The DVSA Enhanced Rider Scheme.


It is ‘your’ responsibility to ensure that ‘you’ are in possession of and/or can give electronic access to any required documentation such as insurance, driving licence, vehicle test certificate or excise licence – required for ‘your’ legitimately accessed motorcycle to be used legally on the road and that ‘you’ are fit and legal to ride ‘your’ motorcycle on the road at the time of ‘your’ training or ‘your’ tour.

‘You’ will be asked to undertake a mandated eyesight test in accordance with provisions of the Road Traffic Act and the Driving Licence Regulations prior to ‘your’ training or ‘your’ tour. If ‘you’ need to wear vision aids to do this, ‘you’ must wear them for the duration of ‘your’ training or ‘your’ tour.


‘Your’ payment will be required in UK sterling and made in advance of ‘your’ training or ‘your’ tour.

Payment can be made to ‘us’ on-line using a legitimate, valid credit or debit card.

Industry standard levels of security are applied to these transactions and a closed padlock should be visible in ‘your’ web browser indicating that ‘your’ personal and payment details are encrypted.

‘Your’ cleared funds must be available before provision of ‘your’ training or ‘your’ tour can take place.

‘You’ can, if necessary, contact ‘us’ to discuss other payment options. ‘You’ will at all times be liable for any payments that remain outstanding to ‘us’

‘We’ accept no responsibility or liability for any payments, being lost, misappropriated, delayed, tampered with, rejected, having insufficient funds or for any over-payment on ‘your’ part.

Once ‘we’ have cleared funds, ‘your’ training or ‘your’ tour will be confirmed to ‘you’ by email.

‘Your’ training or ‘your’ tour will be delivered in accordance with ‘our’ arrangements and booking details unless circumstances beyond ‘our’ control dictate differently.

‘Your’ consumer rights

The Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 apply to the sale of services without face-to-face contact via a variety of media including the internet and telephone. To comply with the requirements of these regulations, ‘we’ provide the necessary pre-contractual, right to cancel and supplier delivery obligation information within ‘our’ terms & conditions.

Information (pre-contractual) around ‘our’ identity, service characteristics, pricing, payments, address, advance payments, and delivery arrangements are in ‘our’ terms and conditions.

‘You’ should be aware of ‘your’ consumers’ right to cancel ‘your’ training or ‘your’ tour booking.

Full details can be found by reading the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013.

‘Our’ contract with ‘you’ becomes binding when ‘you’ complete ‘your’ training or ‘your’ tour booking, providing it can be shown that ‘we’ received ‘your’ booking. We cannot be held responsible for bookings not received because of circumstances beyond ‘our’ control.

When ‘you’ complete ‘your’ training or ‘your’ tour booking, ‘you’ will receive a confirmation e-mail including details of ‘your’ right to cancel.

Pre-contractual information is also given during ‘our’ on-line booking process and in a format allowing ‘you’ to print/save to durable media.

If ‘you’ book via the telephone, ‘you’ will be verbally advised of the pre-contractual information and ‘you’ will be emailed a copy of the pre-contractual information together with advice about ‘your’ right to cancel.

‘You’ have the right to cancel ‘your’ booking for a period of 14-days, counting from the day after ‘your’ booking was completed.

Once 14-days pass, counting from the day after ‘your’ booking was completed, ‘your’ right to cancel (without fees) will end.

If ‘you’ cancel ‘your’ training or ‘your’ tour within 14-days of booking, ‘you’ can request a refund of the money ‘you’ have paid ‘us’.

Where requested, we will return ‘your’ funds within 28 working days.

To exercise ‘your’ right to cancel, ‘you’ must inform ‘us’ in writing to: SkilledBiker Ltd, The Mac Walker Building, 71A High Street, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 8AQ or by email to [email protected].

A phone call is not sufficient.

The effective date of cancellation is the date on which ‘you’ give notice of cancellation to ‘us’ in writing or by email.

‘We’ would advise ‘you’ to keep some evidence of having given ‘us’ cancellation notice, such as a certificate of posting or confirmation/copy of email.

The Consumer Credit Act 1974 provides protection should someone else fraudulently use ‘your’ payment card to pay ‘us’. In these circumstances ‘you’ are entitled to cancel the payment and be reimbursed in part or whole by ‘your’ card issuer. This is something ‘you’ must discuss with ‘your’ card issuer. ‘We’ also advise ‘you’ to report such matters to ‘your’ local police.

The Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 do not generally affect ‘your’ consumer rights under other legislation. Once ‘your’ 14-day ‘cooling off’ period (Consumer Credit Act 1974 and Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013) has passed, any cancellations ‘you’ make will attract fees.

Cancellation and amendments

‘Our’ cancellation, transfer and associated administration charges are as follows:

For a cancellation made by ‘you’, to ‘your’ training with less than 14-days’ notice (including the day of the training) – will result in 100% of ‘your’ fee being retained by ‘us’.

For a cancellation/amendment, made by ‘you’, to ‘your’ training with more than 14-days’ notice (including the day of ‘your’ training) where a transfer is possible– will result in a £50 administration charge being applied to ‘your’ resulting booking – change, transfer, refund, and/or issue of vouchers.

For a cancellation/amendment, made by ‘you’, to ‘your’ training with more than 14-days’ notice, where a transfer is not possible – ‘we’ will issue a voucher – valid for 12 months and ‘our’ administration fee of £50 will be applied i.e., if ‘you’ paid £249, the voucher ‘we’ issue will be for £199.

If ‘you’ fail to attend ‘your’ training in the absence of bona-fide extenuating circumstances, ‘we’ will retain ‘your’ full booking fee.

Examples of circumstances not classed as ‘extenuating’ include (but are not limited to): failing to diarise ‘your’ training or ‘your’ tour, double booking ‘your’ diary, work commitments, holiday commitments, mechanical failure, missing/invalid documents, out-of-date MOT, weather, lateness, illness (including Covid), running out of fuel etc.

 ‘We’ retain absolute discretion to fairly apply the application of cancellation/amendment charges as ‘we’ see fit in compliance with ‘our’ terms and conditions. 

‘We’ reserve the right to cancel a Tour if there are less than 6 riders booked.

In such a case, ‘you’ will be offered an alternative tour or a refund of all monies paid.

If ‘your’ tour is cancelled by ‘us’ ‘we’ will not be liable for additional costs or losses incurred by ‘you’ due to the cancellation of the tour.

This includes, but is not limited to, the cost of hotel reservations or motorcycle hire.

Should ‘you’ cancel ‘your’ tour the following charges will be levied:

‘Your’ deposit is refundable up to 4 months prior to the tour start date. After this date the deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable.

If ‘you’ provide ‘us’ with written notice of more than four weeks, but less than eight weeks of ‘your’ decision to cancel ‘your’ tour booking, cancellation charges of 50% of the total tour cost will apply. Less than four weeks’ notice, cancellation charges of 100% of the total tour cost will apply.

If cancellation charges are not paid on request, ‘we’ reserve the right to deduct the charges from ‘your’ original payment method.

Should ‘you’ for whatever reason decide to curtail ‘your’ participation in a tour during its duration, no refunds will be made by ‘us to ‘you’.


‘We’ deem that ‘your’ booking has commenced once ‘your’ payment is made and ‘your’ booking confirmation has been sent.

Personal details

Any personal details ‘you’ give ‘us’ will be held and processed in accordance with the provisions of ‘our’ Data Processing Agreement and in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 in so far as they apply to ‘our’ use of data, including ‘your’ data. For the purposes of Article 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, details of the data controller in relation to the information ‘you’ supply is:

Kevin Mulligan, SkilledBiker Ltd, The Mac Walker Building, 71A High Street, Bromsgrove,
B61 8AQ

Personal information ‘you’ provide will be used for ‘our’ purposes, by ‘us’, and/or ‘our’ agents, for administration and any future evaluation of ‘our’ training and ‘your’ participation.

Such data will be retained in line with ‘our’ privacy policy.

‘You’ have the right to decline the use of such information for anything other than administration of ‘your’ workshop booking.

In this event, ‘you’ must notify ‘us’ of ‘your’ decision as soon as reasonably practicable and in any case within three working days of ‘your’ booking confirmation.

‘We’ will contact ‘you’ regarding bookings, feedback, follow-up, motorcycle skills/safety and SkilledBiker news/updates.

‘We’ will not, contact ‘you’ with requests for ‘your’ personal or financial information or direct ‘you’ to any web page that asks for this information.

Should this happen, do not respond, and do not open any e-mail attachments. If ‘you’ are suspicious about any such communication, please contact us.

‘You’ have the right to ask for a copy of any information ‘we’ hold about ‘you’. ‘We’ reserve the right to charge a £15 administration fee to cover ‘our’ costs in recovery of ‘your’ information, sometimes referred to as a ‘Subject Access Request’ (SAR) and/or correction of any inaccuracies contained therein.


‘Our’ terms and conditions shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with English law as if ‘our’ terms and conditions were a contract wholly entered into and wholly performed within England and ‘you’ consent to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.


By booking ‘your’ training or ‘your’ tour with ‘us’, ‘you’ undertake to abide by applicable Road Traffic Law, knowing that ‘you’ are fully responsible for ‘your’ own actions. ‘You’ understand that ‘you’ have a duty of care to ‘yourself’ and others in ensuring ‘your’ riding is safe and that ‘you’ are fit to participate in ‘your’ training or ‘your’ tour.

‘You’ acknowledge that ‘we’ will not accept responsibility or liability for any actions or negligence, or any injuries or damage sustained by ‘you’ during ‘your’ participation in any aspect of ‘your’ training or ‘your’ tour with ‘us’ or any associated SkilledBiker activity.

‘You’ will receive a formal pre-ride safety briefing on the day of ‘your’ training or each day of ‘your’ tour. ‘You’ agree to comply with ‘our’ pre-ride safety briefing and any other instructions ‘we’ might give ‘you’.


‘We’ will behave in accordance with the law and commensurate with the professional image of SkilledBiker Ltd.

In the first instance, complaints should be in writing to ‘us’ at SkilledBiker Ltd, The Mac Walker Building, 71A High Street, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 8AQ or by email to ‘us’ at: [email protected].

Aside from where otherwise advised, ‘we’ acknowledge complaints by email within two working days.

‘We’ endeavour to resolve all complaints within 28 working days.


‘Our’ words, logo, media, images, videos, ‘site’ content and training materials may not be used without permission. All rights are reserved unless permissions are explicitly granted.

Get in touch

‘Our’ Admin Centre, unless otherwise advised, is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

‘We’ are not open on bank holidays or the days between Christmas and New Year. 

Should you have any questions in relation to ‘our’ terms and conditions, please contact ‘us’:

In writing: SkilledBiker Ltd, The Mac Walker Building, 71A High Street, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B61 8AQ

By email: [email protected]

By telephone: 0333 011 5300

Policy updates

 ‘Our’ terms and conditions were last updated on the 26th November 2023.